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Re Prop and Balance problems

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Rick Harper

Re Prop and Balance problems

Post by Rick Harper » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:02 pm

G'day and THANKS everyone !

WHERE would we be without this e-mail chat page !?!

I'm sure Daryl at WD will "honour" his product....but I'm already feeling squeamish about using
the same style again......what if it lets got during a L.....O.....N.......G cross country flight !!!?!

I really can't afford the whole metal prop deal...monetarily OR weight wise either, I guess
I'm in for a steep learning curve with the whole "carve yourself a propeller" shpeil :-)

WAYNE : Yes,...I fitted the "J" model pistons...which give 9.7:1 compression and 125 HP..
ported and "sorta polished" the manifolds / heads..(probably worth a HP or two)...
also fitted one of Klaus Xavier's LSE crank fired ignition modules (which is supposed to
give an extra 4% of total HP), fabricated a crossover exhaust system...always better than
the "two dump on one side" setups...and I have a venturi to run the A/H, D/G and T&B gauges
plus the factor of NOT driving the vacuum pump (probably worth a 2 to 4 HP saving) as well
as NOT driving the second magneto around...should all add up to 130ish HP overall.

She was climbing out at 1200FPM on Sunday...with 10' of flaperon @ 50 knots....I think
thats pretty good...(isn't it !?!)...Climbs out at 1000 FPM with zero flaperons.

The Prop is / was a 72", 3 bladed Warp Drive with the SQUARE tips....hope this helps
your thesis on WD props !

I will add a "tool kit" as Bob states....w....a......y..... down the tail cone. This will give
me the 10 " EMPTY C of G that everyone is recommending...AND give me some tools
to carry to boot ! (hate going anywhere without tools never know !)

And thanks to all the others who sent their two cents worth as well !...I listen and take note
of ALL advice given ......well MOST anyway ! :-)

Rick & Wendy Harper

Wayne G. O'Shea

Re Prop and Balance problems

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:02 pm

Rick & Wendy, sounds like you are making good H.P out of the O-235. I have the father and son here from Maui, that bought our 118 H.P. O-235-L2C powered rebel, and we flew all day today (8 hours of "guarding" controls, doing circuits with well over 60 take offs and landings, and I'm ready for bed!) With 25 U.S gallons of fuel (150lbs) and 400 pounds of people on board (total=1407lbs) she climbs at about 850 feet per minute with full flaps and will clear my "bench mark" 75 foot oak tree, beside my hanger, with room to spare from 700 feet back (NO WIND). What a plane this Rebel is, these guys are just amazed with the performance that it will clear this high of an obstacle in such a short distance on only 118 H.P. , and they owned a Round Engine'd Wilga before buying this Rebel. We are getting this performance, while the prop is only pitched fine enough to get a climb out RPM of about 2550. Could be set finer and spin it up to 2800, but that would cut down on the 115 M.P.H. cruise at 2500 RPM this thing gets! They were also amazed that the Rebel picks up 7 or 8 MPH using 12 degrees of reflex in cruise (MAM's 6 degree position only gains about 2 or 3 MPH).

Good luck with the propellor. Has anyone around you got a used Propellor off a Piper Tomahawk (that has the L2C in it) or a Tripacer that had either the 125 or 135 H.P. O-290 in it? Put TWO tool boxes in the back and try one of these until you have the W.D. thing cleared up!!

Blue skies,
Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Harper (
To: (
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 9:05 AM
Subject: Re Prop and Balance problems

G'day and THANKS everyone !

WHERE would we be without this e-mail chat page !?!

I'm sure Daryl at WD will "honour" his product....but I'm already feeling squeamish about using
the same style again......what if it lets got during a L.....O.....N.......G cross country flight !!!?!

I really can't afford the whole metal prop deal...monetarily OR weight wise either, I guess
I'm in for a steep learning curve with the whole "carve yourself a propeller" shpeil :-)

WAYNE : Yes,...I fitted the "J" model pistons...which give 9.7:1 compression and 125 HP..
ported and "sorta polished" the manifolds / heads..(probably worth a HP or two)...
also fitted one of Klaus Xavier's LSE crank fired ignition modules (which is supposed to
give an extra 4% of total HP), fabricated a crossover exhaust system...always better than
the "two dump on one side" setups...and I have a venturi to run the A/H, D/G and T&B gauges
plus the factor of NOT driving the vacuum pump (probably worth a 2 to 4 HP saving) as well
as NOT driving the second magneto around...should all add up to 130ish HP overall.

She was climbing out at 1200FPM on Sunday...with 10' of flaperon @ 50 knots....I think
thats pretty good...(isn't it !?!)...Climbs out at 1000 FPM with zero flaperons.

The Prop is / was a 72", 3 bladed Warp Drive with the SQUARE tips....hope this helps
your thesis on WD props !

I will add a "tool kit" as Bob states....w....a......y..... down the tail cone. This will give
me the 10 " EMPTY C of G that everyone is recommending...AND give me some tools
to carry to boot ! (hate going anywhere without tools never know !)

And thanks to all the others who sent their two cents worth as well !...I listen and take note
of ALL advice given ......well MOST anyway ! :-)

Rick & Wendy Harper
