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REBEL KIT FOR SALE 49% Complete: $21,000US

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Dirk Gidney

REBEL KIT FOR SALE 49% Complete: $21,000US

Post by Dirk Gidney » Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm

For Sale: MURPHY REBEL KIT 49% Completed!
A Full Murphy Rebel Kit with all parts and manuals.
Including Spring Type Landing Gear with main wheels
tires & brakes.
Also included, air powered pop rivet gun & numerous
clecos. Total Price for kit is $21,000 US. (plus
shipping & any taxes)
The kit is currently located in a workshop near
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, but was previously located
in the US, so all US import duties have already been
paid, should it need to be shipped backed to the US.
Delivery options available upon request.

Components Expertly Completed so far Time Invested
by Section
Both WIngs, with wet tanks installed 400+
Both Flaperon Fabric wing control surfaces 75+
Tail section with Rudder, Elevator and Trim controls*
100+ Hours
Main Fuselage, with floor, up to cockpit section*
200+ Hours
All interior surfaces zinc chromated where appropriate
25+ Hours
~Estimated Time invested in Kit thus far
================ (800-900 Hours

Sections Remaining to be Completed Time Required
Estimated By Section

Main Cockpit Floor, Firewall and all Control Linkages*
200 Hours
Main Cockpit Doors, Seats and Cabin Accessories 100
Windscreen and any Cabin Windows or Ports 100
Instrument Panel, depending on the options added 100
Spring Landing Gear, Wheels and Tail Wheel assembly
50 Hours
Wing Attachment, Struts and Firbreglass Wing Tips*
50 Hours
Engine & Firewall Forward systems install 300
~Estimated Time remaining to complete kit
================= (900-1000 Hours

Special Notes about your Firewall Forward Choices
- Due to variations & choices no accurate estimation
can be given on engine installation time here.
-The Tail section has been offset for counter
clockwise engine rotation, typical of Auto Conversion
Engine installations. If a regular aviation engine is
prefered, Tail offset will need to be realigned

Auto Conversion Engine Components Available Separately

-EJ-22-Turbo Subaru Engine , 1991 Model with less than
50K Miles, with Turbo, wiring harness, all sensors and
ECM Computer. Includes workshop engine manuals &
wiring diagrams. Also includes a custom exhaust system
with turbo cross over for intial testing and install
use. .......$2,500 US
-ROSS AERODRIVE, Planetary Gear Reduction Drive for
the Subaru Engine, New..........$2,000 US
-WARPDRIVE 4 blade Carbon Fibre Props with Nickle
Edges & Hub New........................$1,000 US

Please read this section fully. The original design
for this kit was modified in the following way:
A uniform four inch increase in Height was added,
through out the entire length of the fuselage. This
modification produced improved headroom, aft stowage
room, and sideways visability for the aircraft. It
also creates a more robust, potentially stronger
fuselage and rudder.
To accomplish this 4" increase, custom side panels
were manufactured, along with reinforced extention
brackets for each of the verticle side ribs throughout
the fuselage. Custom 4" taller main cage/ wingroot
verticle posts were also manufactured for this
purpose. The Rudder Post section also required a 4"
verticle extention. As the project is completed there
remains several additional sections that will require
special parts or extentions to be produced. These

4" Extention on side lower Kick Panels, in cockpit
4" Increase in the upper Door/ widow frames
4" Addition to the Firewall itself is optional, but
not neccessary.
Special Extention of Wing Strut Mounting bracket to
accommodate slightly longer strut lengths.

Some of the other benefitial effects of this 4"
modification are:
The Tail Rudder Control surface is now 4" taller,
improving it's effectiveness
The Cockpit Door/Window section is 4" Taller improving
side visability under wing roots
The Seat height off floor can be increased, easing
long range back strain of original design.
Head room, and knee clearance under instrument panel
improved for taller pilots.
Wings and Prop Center line are now 4" Higher off
ground, providing better clearance.
Unique appearance of aircraft, a much more "Beaver
like" look than the original ultralight appearance of
the first Murphy Rebel design.

Final Notes: Due to the modifications outlined appove,
Murphy Aircraft Company has requested that the
finished aircraft be named something, and refered to
as something other than a "MURPHY REBEL".
It is also worth mentioning that if a builder prefered
to return the project to the original, minus 4" design
format, this could be accomplished without great
difficulty. The completed wings, control surfaces,
upper fuselage and lower fuselage floor sections are
all uneffected by the modification. The builder simply
would need to drill out and remove the vertical rib
extention brackets, and manufacture or obtain through
Murphy two orginal sized side panels, and aft window
quarter panels, to reinstall instead of the larger
custom sidepanels currently in place. The rudder post
and main cage/ wing root posts would simply need to be
drilled out and cut down by 4", then reinstalled. In
terms of total time, the difference between making
these small changes, verses building a main fuselage
all over again from scratch, is substantial.

Dirk Gidney
(519) 829 6092

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