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SR3500 & Rebel Builders Meeting News

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Bob Patterson

SR3500 & Rebel Builders Meeting News

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:34 pm

That's right, Mike !! And the builders heard it first at
the meeting on Sunday !

I'm just getting over my '7 day flu' - no fun !! I was suffering
through the Rebel Builders Meeting, but finished the day.

I did promise to update the list on the exciting announcemements
at the meeting. The big one was the SR-3500, with a gross of 3,500 lb
on wheels, and 3,675 on floats !! With the extra load capability
comes a higher VNE - 189 mph ! Work is also progressing well on
the firewall-forward package for the M14-P 360 hp. radial.

It <WILL> be possible to retrofit the SR-3500 upgrades to existing
Super Rebels - but this IS NOT a trivial undertaking !! Every section
of the aircraft has mods - tail, fuse, and wings, and there's much more
that a gusset here and a patch there ! Just one example - the machined
strut fittings are much larger, and the number of attach bolts goes
from 4 to 9 (yes, NINE !), and their size increases to 9/16" !! The
whole package is still undergoing full load testing, so none of this
is definite at the moment, but should be finalized within a week or so.
I'll let everybody know, as soon as I do !! :-)

The mods will be VERY EASY to incorporate into a Super Rebel
while building - the difficult part would be trying to retrofit to
a flying SR. Also, the mods <CAN> be incorporated into Quick Build
Super Rebels NOW ON ORDER - but you must advise the factory that
you WANT this upgrade to the SR-3500, as soon as possible ...
Final pricing has not yet been set, but will possibly be in the
range of an extra $3,500 - $4,500 .... Again - you'll hear from me
as soon as <I> know !! :-)

The gross weight upgrade is not absolutely essential for the
use of the M14-P, but it sure would be a good idea. Also, just because
you do the gross weight upgrade doesn't mean you shouldn't use the
Lycoming 540 - in fact, this combination will give you the highest
useful load !

Some other news from the meeting :

The Millenium Special Sale is over, and all kits have returned
to the old pricing. Some increases are likely coming ....

The float kits have already increased in price - the 1800
Amphibs are now: $13,230 CDN./ $8,998 USD, and the mounting gear is
now $1,300 CDN/ $885 USD.

Factory building of the 1800 Amphibs is now an extra:
$8,100 CDN/ $5,500 USD. All other floats have increased similar amounts.

Work on the JDM-8 Ultralight (somebody PLEASE suggest a suitable
name for this bird !! -> MITE and MOSQUITO have already been suggested)
is progressing quickly. First flights might be made in January or
February if this pace continues ! The Canadian/European version of
this airplane looks like quite a HOT-ROD -> +/- 6 g's, and the Rotax
912 engine <might> give speeds in the 150 mph range !! For sure,
it's going to be a LOT easier to build than a HummelBird, and a lot
roomier, too ! ;-)

There was lots more news at the meeting, and we had FIVE Fly-In
Rebels, from as far away as Ottawa, Centralia, and Michigan !! Lots of
interesting workmanship to admire - including THREE different sets of
"seaplane" (swing-up) doors, and at least 2 different sets of electric

Anna and I really appreciate all of the "Flying Rebels" who
return to the meetings to share their knowledge and experience to
help the newer builders "Toward the Flightline" !! They provide
an inspiration to EVERYBODY !!!

We also had Drive-In Rebel and Elite builders from as far away
as Buffalo, NY ! Any of you Rebel builders down Buffalo/Rochester way
who want to come to the meetings are more than welcome - why not
contact Norm Isler about forming a car-pool for the next one on Jan. 12th ???
<> Drop him a line anyway, just so you can
share notes & experiences !

We're working on refining Rebel Ramble 2001 - at the moment,
it looks like a one-week trip, starting June 30th, from York Soaring
at Arthur, ON, to Quebec City for a few romantic days in the 'old town',
then down through Sherbrooke, and back to Ottawa for a tour of the
National Aviation Museum, (and a few bars & restaurants with the
Ottawa Rebel Builders ! :-) ), then back to Peterborough, ON, for
the COPA Convention weekend ! A short Ramble, but we hope it'll
be as much fun as the previous ones !!

Enough Rambling for now ....


At 05:56 AM 11/18/00 -0900, you wrote:
Check out Murphy's web site... it's official, there is now an SR3500!

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