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humour - Flying in British Style

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Bob Patterson

humour - Flying in British Style

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:46 pm

For those who thought the Rebel manual was confusing .... :-)

I thought you would like to see the notice that British
Airways sent its pilots explaining what we in the
US refer to as the "monitored approach" method where
on an approach to very low visibility and ceiling one
pilot flies the approach and when the other pilots sees
the runway he takes the plane and lands.

This removes the problem of the pilot having to make the
transition from flying instruments and at the last minute
looking outside and "getting his bearings" as the other
pilot is already "outside".

If the pilot not flying says nothing by the time they reach
"minimums" the pilot flying automatically starts the
"go-around" procedure as he is still on the instruments.

Now try this actual explanation of this procedure from the
British Airways manual:

*** British Airways Flight Operations Department Notice ***

There appears to be some confusion over the new pilot role titles.
This notice will hopefully clear up any misunderstandings. The
titles P1, P2 and Co-Pilot will now cease to have any meaning,
within the BA operations manuals. They are to be replaced by
Handling Pilot, Non-handling Pilot, Handling Landing Pilot,
Non-Handling Landing Pilot, Handling Non-Landing Pilot, and
Non Handling Non-Landing Pilot.

The Landing Pilot, is initially the Handling Pilot and will handle
the take-off and landing except in role reversal when he is the
Non-Handling Pilot for taxi until the Handling Non-Landing Pilot,
hands the Handling to the Landing Pilot at eighty knots.

The Non-Landing (Non-Handling, since the Landing Pilot is Handling)
Pilot reads the checklist to the Handling Pilot until after Before
Descent Checklist completion, when the Handling Landing Pilot hands
the handling to the Non-Handling Non-Landing Pilot who then becomes
the Handling Non-Landing Pilot.

The Landing Pilot is the Non-Handling Pilot until the "decision
altitude" call, when the Handling Non-Landing Pilot hands the
handling to the Non-Handling Landing Pilot, unless the latter calls
"go-around", in which case the Handling Non-Landing Pilot, continues
Handling and the Non-Handling Landing Pilot continues non-handling
until the next call of "land" or "go-around", as appropriate.

In view of the recent confusion over these rules, it was deemed
necessary to restate them clearly.

Clear, EH ?? :-) :-)


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between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
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Wayne G. O'Shea

humour - Flying in British Style

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:46 pm

Your following message has been delivered to the 155 members of
the list at 19:14:02 on 16 Apr 2000.

I want to be the Non-Handling Non-Landing Pilot! That way they can't blame
the Non-Runway Landing on Me!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Patterson <>
To: <>; <>; <>;
<>; Jim Addario <>; <>
Date: Sunday, April 16, 2000 6:17 PM
Subject: humour - Flying in British Style

For those who thought the Rebel manual was confusing .... :-)

I thought you would like to see the notice that British
Airways sent its pilots explaining what we in the
US refer to as the "monitored approach" method where
on an approach to very low visibility and ceiling one
pilot flies the approach and when the other pilots sees
the runway he takes the plane and lands.

This removes the problem of the pilot having to make the
transition from flying instruments and at the last minute
looking outside and "getting his bearings" as the other
pilot is already "outside".

If the pilot not flying says nothing by the time they reach
"minimums" the pilot flying automatically starts the
"go-around" procedure as he is still on the instruments.

Now try this actual explanation of this procedure from the
British Airways manual:

*** British Airways Flight Operations Department Notice ***

There appears to be some confusion over the new pilot role titles.
This notice will hopefully clear up any misunderstandings. The
titles P1, P2 and Co-Pilot will now cease to have any meaning,
within the BA operations manuals. They are to be replaced by
Handling Pilot, Non-handling Pilot, Handling Landing Pilot,
Non-Handling Landing Pilot, Handling Non-Landing Pilot, and
Non Handling Non-Landing Pilot.

The Landing Pilot, is initially the Handling Pilot and will handle
the take-off and landing except in role reversal when he is the
Non-Handling Pilot for taxi until the Handling Non-Landing Pilot,
hands the Handling to the Landing Pilot at eighty knots.

The Non-Landing (Non-Handling, since the Landing Pilot is Handling)
Pilot reads the checklist to the Handling Pilot until after Before
Descent Checklist completion, when the Handling Landing Pilot hands
the handling to the Non-Handling Non-Landing Pilot who then becomes
the Handling Non-Landing Pilot.

The Landing Pilot is the Non-Handling Pilot until the "decision
altitude" call, when the Handling Non-Landing Pilot hands the
handling to the Non-Handling Landing Pilot, unless the latter calls
"go-around", in which case the Handling Non-Landing Pilot, continues
Handling and the Non-Handling Landing Pilot continues non-handling
until the next call of "land" or "go-around", as appropriate.

In view of the recent confusion over these rules, it was deemed
necessary to restate them clearly.

Clear, EH ?? :-) :-)


The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

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username "rebel" password "builder"
List administrator:
