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Bob Andrews


Post by Bob Andrews » Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:24 am

I don't know Wayne ... looks like con-trails to me. When we lived in
Maryland, we were almost right under a fly way ... and trails that looked
very similar strafed the sky ... sometime very long ones ... and many of
them ... that hung around just like the ones in your pictures. Might check
to see if your under a fly-way. What kind of jets are they? ... are they're
all going in the same direction - roughly on the same heading?

Bob e612

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Memory

I saw the humour in it Greg...watched the show all the time...nothing to be
sorry about! Bet they're doing it in Oz as well...they're doing it in


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gregory Gordon" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: Memory

Sorry Wayne I did not know about your wife's medical condition.

Greg Gordon.

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Wayne G. O'Shea


Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:24 am

I know what you are saying Bob, yes contrails hang around sometimes if
conditions are right. We are close to an East/West air route as well (just
watched two pass each other in opposite directions with their contrails
shortening at the same speed they were travelling), But you don't see a jet
turn them (contrails) on and turn them off again, then come back for another
sweep in the other direction. Then fly 90* cross grids on top of what they
already laid down. You also don't have five aircraft at the same time lined
up window to window doing the same thing. If you look at the pic link my son
posted early in this thread...that's of course way off the topic of building
a Murphy aircraft, you will see two of the trails make a 90* turn side by
side like railway tracks. In his picture they were laying out a checker
board grid, over Lake Ontario based on where I know he took this shot by the
tennis courts at MAC. My pictures I posted don't do justice to what I could
see visually. 5 spray trails being laid down simultaneously with at least a
dozen other trails evident wider out and 90* to what they were putting down.
I tried uploading a couple of these distance shots that I can see all the
trails in full resolution, but once downsized for upload it's hard to make
out all the lines unless you already know what you are looking for.

I'm not trying to sell anyone on a conspiracy.....I myself laughed (out
loud!) at the guy a few years back when he tried to convince us this was
going on and his wife was ill. After that meeting, all I had to do was sit
in a chair on the front porch and watch the sky a few times to sell me it
was really going on. Guess I should buy a high powered scope to see what the
aircraft are, but I am told by those that have done this they are just
white..with absolutely no markings.

Also sounds like Monty knows a bit more about what's going on, but as an
x-military boy isn't going to talk about it on an open forum...and that's
probably pretty smart. Guess I should be talking to my brother about this as
well ....since he's a retired 20 yr Major.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Andrews" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:22 PM
Subject: RE: Memory

I don't know Wayne ... looks like con-trails to me. When we lived in
Maryland, we were almost right under a fly way ... and trails that looked
very similar strafed the sky ... sometime very long ones ... and many of
them ... that hung around just like the ones in your pictures. Might
to see if your under a fly-way. What kind of jets are they? ... are
all going in the same direction - roughly on the same heading?

Bob e612

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Memory

I saw the humour in it Greg...watched the show all the time...nothing to
sorry about! Bet they're doing it in Oz as well...they're doing it in


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gregory Gordon" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: Memory

Sorry Wayne I did not know about your wife's medical condition.

Greg Gordon.

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Wayne G. O'Shea


Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:24 am

Here's a quick clip out of one of the Homestead Chemtrail stories.

If this doesn't have you clicking the search link my son put up, or just
typing "Chemtrails" into your search engine... you can go back to your "the
world is normal life". (Back to airplanes!)

What's going on? There are various theories as to the nature and origin of
the trails. Many believe there is more than one military project operating
simultaneously, but most of the websites agree on the basics: chemtrails
look like contrails initially but are thicker and last longer, often hours.
(According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meteorologist
Thomas Schlattes: "Even in most ideal conditions a jet contrail lasts no
more than 30 minutes.") Usually chemtrails form criss-cross patterns of Xs,
grids or parallel lines across the sky for miles at a time, often appearing
outside of commercial airline routes. The lines widen and spread
featherlike, creating a cloud cover of the sprayed substance which then
settles to the ground, blanketing the area sprayed. Although the material
is difficult and rare to come by in large quantities, some tests show that
it contains biological material. In some cases it has been found to include
building blocks of a viral nature that would have needed to be generated in
a lab. The substance has been described as a 'brown goo' and is considered

"Ground fallout [from the chemtrails] analyzed in the United States
contained carcinogens and bacteria. Coincidentally in the past decade, most
jet fuel was re-engineered to reduce fire hazards by adding a long-banned
pesticide, which was reportedly also found in gel samples from chemtrails.
Also found were toxic micro-fibers, much finer than asbestos," the Ottawa
Citizen wrote. (A fervour over chemtrails, May 16, 2001)

I spoke with Ben McNenly from Espanola Ontario who spearheaded the efforts
to stop chemtrail spraying in his small northern community. In the spring
of 1999, according to Ben, military aircraft started flying in formation
overhead and spraying heavily. "One evening I was photographing the trails
when I felt a fine particulate pelting my face and hands. It stung my skin
so badly that I had to run inside." Residents over a 50 mile radius started
complaining to the provincial Ministry of Environment of severe headaches,
chronic joint pain, dizziness, extreme fatigue, acute asthma attacks and
feverless flu-like symptoms. They attributed their ailments to the months
of spraying by photo identified US Air Force tanker planes. Lab tests on
particulate and rainwater samples found quartz and extremely high levels of
aluminum, seven times government safe levels and high enough, according to
the lab, to kill fish. "I'm convinced people here have died as a result of
this spraying, including a close friend," Ben recounted sadly. Another
Espanola resident reported that mental confusion and short-term memory loss
were so prevalent that forgetting where their cars were parked had become a
standing joke in the small town.

On November 18, 1999, the people of Espanola petitioned Parliament.
Addressing the Canadian government on their behalf, NDP Defence Critic
Gordon Earle explained: "Over 500 residents of the Espanola area have signed
a petition raising concern over possible government involvement in what
appears to be aircraft emitting visible aerosols. They have found high
traces of aluminum and quartz in particulate and rainwater samples." These
concerns, combined with associated respiratory ailments, have led these
Canadians to take action and seek clear answers from this government. The
petitioners call upon Parliament to repeal any law that would permit the
dispersal of military chaff or of any cloud-seeding substance whatsoever by
domestic or foreign military aircraft without the informed consent of the
citizens of Canada thus affected."

The Ministry of Defence eventually replied, denying their involvement in any
spraying program over Espanola and added somewhat ambiguously "In addition,
the Canadian Forces have confirmed that they are not aware of any visiting
foreign military aircraft having requested diplomatic clearance to conduct
aerial spraying or to drop chaff in the vicinity of Espanola."

How often is this occurring? The consensus is that since 1998, citizens
throughout the world have documented spray patterns on a nearly daily basis,
with an average of one "clear" day per week. It's suggested that we have
all become accustomed to these changes in our skies, as they've been
introduced bit by bit, and have presumed them to be normal.

Government agencies deny the existence of chemtrails but according to
reports, intense spraying occurs in some areas of the U.S., Canada, Europe
and England, including areas with no commercial flight paths overhead.
Recently, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Croatia
have reported chemtrail spraying. Sightings have now been reported in
fourteen NATO nations and investigative reporter William Thomas notes that
Croatian chemtrails began the day after that country joined NATO.

In spite of government denials, some highly placed individuals have come
forward to confirm the existence of chemtrails. US Congressman and Ohio
Representative Dennis Kucinich introduced Bill HR2977 calling for the
peaceful uses of space and a ban on "exotic weapons." Section 7 of the
Space Preservation Act of 2001 sought to "proscribe any substance which
could be weaponized, including chemtrails." Kucinich recently told the
Columbus Alive newspaper (Jan. 24, 2002) that, despite official denials, as
head of the Armed Services Oversight Committee, he is well acquainted with
chemtrail projects. "The truth is there's a program in the Department of
Defence, The U.S. Space Command's 2020 vision that calls for dominance of
space, sea and air through multilayered weapons systems", Kucinich told
reporter Bob Fitrakis.

What is the purpose behind the trails? This is where the varying reports
differ. Secret government mass inoculation against possible bacterial and
viral attack (Biowarfare) is one theory. There is evidence in the form of
research that the US Department Of Defence has an interest in aerosol mass
application of decontaminants. Maxygen, Inc., of Redwood City, Calif., has
been awarded a $6,753,064 research and development cost contract to support
the Defence Advanced Research Project Agency's Biological Warfare Defence
Program. The contractor proposes to use bacillus spores as an aerosol-based
delivery vehicle for medicinal purposes, specifically, vaccination and
therapeutics. The SPAWAR reference to this work and its defence
applications: ... a9942.html

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Wayne G. O'Shea


Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:24 am

And here's a link to a checker board trail pic ... il-5.6.jpg

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne G. O'Shea" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: Memory

Here's a quick clip out of one of the Homestead Chemtrail stories.

If this doesn't have you clicking the search link my son put up, or just
typing "Chemtrails" into your search engine... you can go back to your
world is normal life". (Back to airplanes!)

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Bob Andrews


Post by Bob Andrews » Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:27 am

WOW ... can honestly say I've never seen anything like that ... well except
perhaps smoke "On" at an airshow ... and at a much lower altitude. Seems as
though there should be someone somewhere that you could contact that would
"come clean" with this. Perhaps writing some letters (w/ pictures) ... like
the news papers ... they have ways of getting info that we common folk
don't. Surely EVERYONE in the area can see it!

Since this chain is off the "rebel" path ... Wayne, are you near St.
Catharines? ... just wondering, drove my wife and son up there one weekend
so I could ride the old merry go round in the park with my boy ... and later
smoke a Cuban Cigar ... remember it well, 'twas a great day for sure ... :-)

Bob e612

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: Memory

And here's a link to a checker board trail pic ... il-5.6.jpg

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne G. O'Shea" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: Memory

Here's a quick clip out of one of the Homestead Chemtrail stories.

If this doesn't have you clicking the search link my son put up, or just
typing "Chemtrails" into your search engine... you can go back to your
world is normal life". (Back to airplanes!)

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Wayne G. O'Shea


Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:27 am

Bob, as you could read in the clip I put in the other email. Letters have
gone to higher ups and amazingly got long windy "smoke screen" replies
instead of the quick brush off and other agencies
"refused to comment at this time" ya know it's really going on!

As for St. Catharines....about a 2 1/2 hour drive for me. Bob Johnson is
right there though!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Andrews" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:46 PM
Subject: RE: Memory

WOW ... can honestly say I've never seen anything like that ... well
perhaps smoke "On" at an airshow ... and at a much lower altitude. Seems
though there should be someone somewhere that you could contact that would
"come clean" with this. Perhaps writing some letters (w/ pictures) ...
the news papers ... they have ways of getting info that we common folk
don't. Surely EVERYONE in the area can see it!

Since this chain is off the "rebel" path ... Wayne, are you near St.
Catharines? ... just wondering, drove my wife and son up there one
so I could ride the old merry go round in the park with my boy ... and
smoke a Cuban Cigar ... remember it well, 'twas a great day for sure ...
Bob e612

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: Memory

And here's a link to a checker board trail pic ... il-5.6.jpg

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne G. O'Shea" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: Memory

Here's a quick clip out of one of the Homestead Chemtrail stories.

If this doesn't have you clicking the search link my son put up, or just
typing "Chemtrails" into your search engine... you can go back to your
world is normal life". (Back to airplanes!)

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