Peaks of skin creases always go out.
Chromate all joints outside the tank, just proseal if inside the tank and
exposed to fuel. However it won't hurt to proseal additional places it just
doesn't seem worth the trouble and expense when the joints are already
enough and moisture proof.
Yes you drill for more rivets in the other hinge doubler plates as well but
may want to wait until after the torque tube mounts are installed so you can
where those rivets go and avoid interference.
Ryan Amendala wrote:
I have a couple of quesitons regarding the stab and wing assemblies.
1. On the stab assembly, it mentions placing the crease in the skins first (I think) and then later turning them over but never mentions it
again. What direction should the creases in the stab skin face upon final
2. Wing construction
a. chapter 10.2 step 14 it says to proseal between W138 and
Do you chromate W137 and cap or is it beneficial to proseal these as well.
b. 10.4 step 14. Do you drill our the rest of hinge backing plate
(middle one) the same as the outboard backing plate? figure 10.4.3 the
diagram only shows making 2 rows of rivets kind of like this
Backing plate
| Does not o o |
| call for o o |
|any rivets over o o |
|_here______ __ o_ __o_|
Thanks again for input
BB&R Amendala
Rebel #669
Long EZ N666BA
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