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Seat Spacing

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Walter Klatt

Seat Spacing

Post by Walter Klatt » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

There is some room here for personal preference, and
here is mine from a flying perspective.

Mine is the Rebel, but I think the Elite is similar in
this respect. If I remember correctly, the pilot seat
rail was moved to the inside by one inch to allow
clearance for the pushrod. In my case that was more
than sufficient, and 3/4 should be plenty. An extra
channel had to be added in the floor for support. On
the passenger side, the outside rail is right on the
corner wrap channel.

I prefer as much room as possible between the passenger
and pilot. It helps when you are both getting in and
trying to do up your seat belts without elbowing each
other. Yes, it is for the fat butts, too, but you don't
want to be rubbing shoulders either if you don't have
to. Of course, I guess it matters who you are with.
And, you can put things in between like float pumps,
etc. The Rebel/Elite have wide cabins, so why not take
advantage of that.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Alan Hepburn
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 3:34 PM
Subject: Seat Spacing

I wonder if anybody has the answer to this
question. The factory don't:

I am having a problem deciding the lateral
position of the seats on the
Elite (believed similar to the Rebel with
the new high backed seats). I
have two sets of instructions - the original
manual and the CD. Both
have written info. and diagrams. No two
agree! The CD text seems to
want you to put the edge of the rail on the
pilot's seat 3/4" from the
side rivet line, and leave 9" between the
centre seat rails, thus
putting the passenger seat over the right
corner wrap. It also puts the
pilot's seat very close to the aileron
pushrod. I can't see why I can't
just put the edges of the seat rails about
1/4" away from the edge of
the corner wrap. This pretty well agrees
with the original
instructions. However, this would only
leave 8" between the centre seat
rails. Is there something wide that has to
fit in there? Maybe the
float retract pump? Or your flight bag?! Or
maybe the thing was
designed for sombody with a real fat y'know what.

Al Hepburn

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Alan Hepburn

Seat Spacing

Post by Alan Hepburn » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

I wonder if anybody has the answer to this question. The factory don't:

I am having a problem deciding the lateral position of the seats on the
Elite (believed similar to the Rebel with the new high backed seats). I
have two sets of instructions - the original manual and the CD. Both
have written info. and diagrams. No two agree! The CD text seems to
want you to put the edge of the rail on the pilot's seat 3/4" from the
side rivet line, and leave 9" between the centre seat rails, thus
putting the passenger seat over the right corner wrap. It also puts the
pilot's seat very close to the aileron pushrod. I can't see why I can't
just put the edges of the seat rails about 1/4" away from the edge of
the corner wrap. This pretty well agrees with the original
instructions. However, this would only leave 8" between the centre seat
rails. Is there something wide that has to fit in there? Maybe the
float retract pump? Or your flight bag?! Or maybe the thing was
designed for sombody with a real fat y'know what.

Al Hepburn

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Seat Spacing

Post by klehman » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Well if it is really like a Rebel the corner wrap extends farther
inboard on the pilot side. I left both sides of the corner wrap extend
inboard far enough that they went under both sides of each outboard seat
rail so that the rails laid flat. It was tight but there was sufficient
space between the seats for elevator cables and the gear pump. I
remember that after I thought about this at the time there didn't seem
to be much choice about locating things once you centered the seat rail
rivet lines over the floor channels. I guess you could move the floor
channels but...

Alan Hepburn wrote:
I wonder if anybody has the answer to this question. The factory don't:

I am having a problem deciding the lateral position of the seats on the
Elite (believed similar to the Rebel with the new high backed seats). I
have two sets of instructions - the original manual and the CD. Both
have written info. and diagrams. No two agree! The CD text seems to
want you to put the edge of the rail on the pilot's seat 3/4" from the
side rivet line, and leave 9" between the centre seat rails, thus
putting the passenger seat over the right corner wrap. It also puts the
pilot's seat very close to the aileron pushrod. I can't see why I can't
just put the edges of the seat rails about 1/4" away from the edge of
the corner wrap. This pretty well agrees with the original
instructions. However, this would only leave 8" between the centre seat
rails. Is there something wide that has to fit in there? Maybe the
float retract pump? Or your flight bag?! Or maybe the thing was
designed for sombody with a real fat y'know what.

Al Hepburn

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Seat Spacing

Post by BCairboat » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Al Hello
Want some experienced advice.
Put the seat rails where ever you want, just make sure you pick up one set of
floor stringers on the one side of the rails or the other. Obviously you
don't want the seats or belts to interfere with the aileron controls, judge your
positioning accordingly. The seat rails in an accident will be absorbing a
significant forward shear load. The floor sheet in itself cannot handle this.
Connected to the stringer and the bottom sheet as well it can handle more than
your behind can. The reality is that on a hard impact the gear will fold under,
the engine will fold up pulling the mounts with it and flipping the aircraft
over in a forward roll. The initial effect on the seat rails is forward
compressive shear, then 45/45 vertical tension/shear,then tension you will regain your
wits in the full tension position. hanging upside down from the lap belt and
nursing a wicked skin burn on your left shoulder and neck from the shoulder
harness which prevented your face from compressing the instrument panel or being
punctured on the stick. The seats while comfortable are also the main shock
absorption system after the gear is gone. They can't do their job properly if
they are jammed under your feet or knees or conversely the back of your head,
instead of your behind. Sorry to be so blunt but that's reality. Got a real
close friend going into surgery on October 10 to get a piece of stick out of his
ass because his seat didn't stay where it should have. Non Murphy aircraft.

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Seat Spacing

Post by Legeorgen » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Hi Grant,

How's the new business doing? Good to see you still pop in once in a while to
check up on us.

Bruce 357R

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