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Moose MODs

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Warren Montgomery

Moose MODs

Post by Warren Montgomery » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:34 pm

Gear box failure, Stab harmonic interference, ventral fin addition and now tail cone cracking :-(
Heck I'm now afraid to complete anything for fear of new mods..............

Moose 029
Dubai, UAE

Bill Delcambre wrote:
Thanks guys. Lots of info, here. Really great to be able to tap into the wealth of experience with this group.

Bill Delcambre
----- Original Message -----
From: Rhodes (RHODES5@GCI.NET)
To: (
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Moose Tailwheel

I had a 14" XP tailwheel on my 185 which was one of the first ones XP made in the late 80's. It is ..........

Bill Delcambre

Moose MODs

Post by Bill Delcambre » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:36 pm

Could be worse. You could've bought a Wichita Spam Can. When perceived problems arise with those, someone dictates exactly when and how it will be fixed, as well as who can fix it. With the experimentals, you (builder) make the decision. You might be looking at this the wrong way. I'm gonna build mine as close to the plans as possible. If, at any point, I get an idea that seems like a better way, I might choose to modify the plane. Isn't it great to have that choice!

It's my opinion that there's a lot of banter around here about potential problems with the planes. Emphasis on 'potential'. Heck, I'm a contributor to the banter. I thought that I'd heard about a problem with the tailwheel and posed the inquiry. Seems that the responses indicate that no problem is evident. My (standard) tailwheel has been mounted. Most of my flying will be off of asphalt, with regular excursions to good grass strips. I shouldn't have a problem. There are some fellas that are making some real beefy mods to the tail, up north. Those guys are building their plane for a different environment. You weigh the considerations and YOU make your choice.

Please don't read my posts as any sort of criticism of the product. The elevator/fin interference is really no big deal. Bob P. has a good explanation for some of the other troubles. Hey, for all we know, Bob might be THE explanation for some of the gear problems. (joke)

Bill Delcambre
SR172 FB

----- Original Message -----
From: Warren Montgomery (
To: (
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 12:22 PM
Subject: Moose MODs

Gear box failure, Stab harmonic interference, ventral fin addition and now tail cone cracking :-(
Heck I'm now afraid to complete anything for fear of new mods..............

Moose 029
Dubai, UAE

Bob Patterson

Moose MODs

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:36 pm

Thanks Bill !!

I really appreciate your perspective ! You hit it right
on the head !!! The great thing about "building your own" is
that YOU get to choose to do what YOU think is best - and this
forum certainly helps all of us to gather input on what OTHERS
think is best, or problems they think MIGHT appear, and possible
solutions. All very useful when you come to make YOUR OWN decision.

No airplane is perfect ! We've collected a bunch of mods
here in Ontario that a lot of us think are really necessary to
make the Rebel better suited for OUR environment - and we're happy
to share the hows and the WHYS with everyone ..... BUT we don't
say you HAVE to do them, or maybe even OUGHT to do them !! We'll
continue to put them out there as POSSIBLE SUGGESTIONS for each
builder to choose for him/her self.

I'm on my 4th Rebel now, and <I> certainly wouldn't build
it STRICTLY to the plans - that's the whole reason for a CUSTOM KIT !
But it's purely MY thoughts on what <I> want in an airplane. Of course,
nobody in his right mind would want to change something to compromise
safety - and hopefully the advice of the group here will help to
keep everybody safe !

You may have problems down the road with your tailwheel setup -
but you WILL BE FLYING, having fun, while others may lose years
waiting for ALL the solutions so they can have THE PERFECT AIRPLANE !!
You can always fix things later, IF necessary ...

As we say at the builders meetings ...

"Get it FLYING - it'll never be FINISHED !!" :-)


I <DO> appreciate your humour - and you're closer to the
truth than most would guess !! ;-)

I DID strip out a bunch of rivets TWICE on a grass strip
near Ottawa, and helped pinpoint some of the early weaknesses in
the old original gear setup on the Super Rebel, and I did drop it
into airports all across Canada .... ;-) :-) :-)


At 05:08 PM 12/2/02 -0600, you wrote:
Could be worse. You could've bought a Wichita Spam Can. When perceived
problems arise with those, someone dictates exactly when and how it will be
fixed, as well as who can fix it. With the experimentals, you (builder)
make the decision. You might be looking at this the wrong way. I'm gonna
build mine as close to the plans as possible. If, at any point, I get an
idea that seems like a better way, I might choose to modify the plane.
Isn't it great to have that choice!
It's my opinion that there's a lot of banter around here about potential
problems with the planes. Emphasis on 'potential'. Heck, I'm a
contributor to the banter. I thought that I'd heard about a problem with
the tailwheel and posed the inquiry. Seems that the responses indicate that
no problem is evident. My (standard) tailwheel has been mounted. Most of
my flying will be off of asphalt, with regular excursions to good grass
strips. I shouldn't have a problem. There are some fellas that are making
some real beefy mods to the tail, up north. Those guys are building their
plane for a different environment. You weigh the considerations and YOU
make your choice.
Please don't read my posts as any sort of criticism of the product. The
elevator/fin interference is really no big deal. Bob P. has a good
explanation for some of the other troubles. Hey, for all we know, Bob might
be THE explanation for some of the gear problems. (joke)
Bill Delcambre
SR172 FB

----- Original Message -----
From: Warren Montgomery
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 12:22 PM
Subject: Moose MODs

Gear box failure, Stab harmonic interference, ventral fin addition and
now tail cone cracking :-(
Heck I'm now afraid to complete anything for fear of new mods..............

Moose 029
Dubai, UAE

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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Could be worse.&nbsp; You could've bought a
Spam Can.&nbsp; When <STRONG><EM>perceived</EM></STRONG> problems arise with
those, someone dictates exactly when and how it will be fixed, as well as who
can fix it.&nbsp; With the experimentals, you (builder) make the
decision.&nbsp;&nbsp;You might be looking at this the wrong way.&nbsp; I'm
build mine as&nbsp;close to the plans as possible.&nbsp; If, at any point,
I get
an idea that seems like a better way, I might choose to modify the
Isn't&nbsp;it&nbsp;great to have that choice!&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>It's my opinion that there's a lot of banter
here about potential problems with the planes.&nbsp; Emphasis on
'potential'.&nbsp; &nbsp;Heck, I'm a contributor to the banter.&nbsp; I
that I'd heard about a problem with the tailwheel and posed the inquiry.&nbsp;
Seems that the responses indicate that no problem is evident.&nbsp; My
(standard) tailwheel has been mounted.&nbsp; Most of my flying will be off of
asphalt, with regular excursions to good grass strips.&nbsp; I shouldn't
have a
problem.&nbsp; There are some fellas that are making some real beefy mods
to the
tail, up north.&nbsp; Those guys are building their plane for a different
environment.&nbsp; You weigh the considerations and YOU make your
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Please don't read my posts as any sort of
of the product.&nbsp; The elevator/fin interference is really no big
Bob P. has a good explanation for some of the other troubles.&nbsp; Hey,
for all
we know, Bob might be THE explanation for some of the gear problems.&nbsp;
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Bill Delcambre</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>SR172 FB</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
style="BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color:
<A href="">Warren
Montgomery</A> </DIV>
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A
href=""></A> </DIV>
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Monday, December 02, 2002 12:22
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Moose MODs</DIV>
<DIV><BR></DIV>Gear box failure, Stab harmonic interference, ventral fin
addition and now tail cone cracking<SPAN class=moz-smiley-s2><SPAN> :-(
</SPAN></SPAN><BR>Heck I'm now afraid to complete anything for fear of new
mods..............<BR><BR>Warren<BR>Moose 029<BR>Dubai,

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